Photo: Katie Gardner
LITVAKdance open classes:
Classes cancelled until further notice! Happy dancing! Email for more
Venmo @litvakdance or at
Past master classes:
Sunday Sept 17 930a
Dancing Healthy with Diego and invited guests
More info on the Workshop:
ALL are welcome (this includes YOU, parents!)
Seminar Breakdown:
9:30 Arrival
9:40-10:30 Movement session for ALL attendees
*session will focus on stability in functional movement patterns such as breathing, squatting, lunging, jumping, reaching, lifting, pushing, pulling, walking, transitional movements and neuro-developmental progression.
10:30-10:40 Break
10:40-11 Panelist Introductions
11-12:20 Round table discussion responding to questions/concerns from attendees
12:20-12:30 Closing Remarks
Panelist Bios:
Dr. Emily Cidambi, MD
Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon with focus on foot and ankle deformity and injury in children andadolescents with a special interest in dance medicine at Rady Children's Hospital. She completedher doctorate at the Medical College of Georgia, Orthopaedic Residency at UC San Diego andPediatric Orthopaedic Fellowship at Boston Children's Hospital. A ballet dancer since the age of 5,she brings a personal interest in dance medicine to her practice, as well as a focus on femaleathlete wellness and injury prevention.
Dr. Shira Oretzky
Shira A. Oretzky, Ph.D., CMPC is a clinical and sport psychologist. She has a private practice in DelMar, specializing in working with collegiate, Olympic, and professional athletes. Currently serves asa sport psychology consultant to the University of San Diego’s (USD) Athletic Department and othercollegiate and professional athletic teams throughout San Diego. Member of the United StatesOlympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) Sport Psychology and Mental Health Registries and theNational Basketball Player’s Association’s (NBPA) Mental Health and Wellness Registry. She hasserved on the Board of Directors for the San Diego Psychological Association and chaired the SDPASport Psychology Committee.
Dr. Lena Parker, PT, DPT
Physical therapist and orthopedic resident at California State University Long Beach, DPT degreefrom Regis University, and certified yoga instructor. Lena began dancing classical ballet at the ageof 3 and at 14 attended the Harid Conservatory in Boca Raton, FL. Professional credits include theDance Theatre of Tennessee performing lead roles in Swan Lake, Carmen, and Balanchine’s WhoCares.
Dr. Rebeccah Rodriguez Regner, DO
Dr. Rodríguez, DO, FACOFP, and is a board-certified Family Medicine and Sports Medicinephysician serving the communities of Encinitas, San Diego, and Temecula, California, at OasisMD.Was Medical Director for the high-performance center for Team USA (11 sports) at the 2016Olympics in Rio and part of the medical staff as Team USA physician at the 2019 Pan AmericanGames in Lima, Peru. Currently serves on the USOPC Physician Advisory Board. Dr. Rodriguez isteam physician for USA Women's Waterpolo and USA Rugby as well as head team physician for themajor league rugby team, the San Diego Legion.
Dr Diego Schoch, PT, DPT
Pilates instructor, physical therapist at R.I.S.E Physical Therapy in Encinitas, CA, and MFA in Dance.Dance background includes formative training at the UNC School of the Arts, dancing for FortWorth Ballet, Soloist at North Carolina Dance Theater (now Charlotte Ballet), Principal Dancer atMilwaukee Ballet, Assistant Professor of Dance at University of Louisiana - Lafayette, andContemporary Dance Faculty at UNC School of the Arts. Currently, Faculty at Scripps PerformingArts Academy.
Sadie Weinberg, Artistic Director LitvakDance
A second generation dancer and dancemaker in San Diego, Sadie holds an MFA in Dance from UCIrvine and a BFA from the Conservatory of Dance at Purchase College. Since moving backto San Diego in 2002, Sadie has produced and presented work in locally, nationally and internationally. She danced with Malashock Dance, McCaleb Dance, Jean Isaac's San Diego Dance Theater, Yolande Snaith's ImagoMoves, and other independent dancemakers. Sadie teaches at UC SanDiego, MiraCosta College and Palomar College and founded LITVAKdance in 2018.
Jorge Crecis for Towards Vivencia workshop
Thursday May 19 6-8pm
SDSU Dance Studio ENS 200
Students $15 General $25
Buy Tickets Here.
Open Company Classes:
Dance with us!